Thursday, July 30, 2015

Instant Relaxation Using. Blisscoded Sound Meditation - Amazing! [video]

Can you really reach deep meditation, feel inner bliss and all the things Guru's and meditation masters talk about, within just a few minutes of listening to a special sound? You can by using this BlissCoded sound.

This "special sound" or sound technology that I now call BlissCoded sound is created using a very powerful, yet natural technology that has nothing to do with the "old" ways of stimulating the brain with tones (binaural beats) to get it to enter deeper relaxation and meditation, used in such products as the well-known Hemisync and Holosync audio meditation products. They use "binaural beats". These are used in allmost all the ordinary meditation & relaxation CD's flooding the market today and are proven to work. My discovery does not involve any of that. Neither does it involve speech, subliminal messages and not even music. No, this is something totally different.

Get 7 hours (10 tracks) of various BlissCoded sounds ===> Click here <===

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 Practising gratitude can help you find your life's purpose. Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group where we share tips on the benefits of gratitude.

Isabella and Linda 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Daily Gratitude For My Shopping Day

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 Practising gratitude can help you find your life's purpose. Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group where we share tips on the benefits of gratitude.

Isabella and Linda 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Guided Meditation for Stress Relief and Gratitude & Love

Enjoy this guided stress relief meditation developed for all levels. Four parts include 

(1) Relaxation and Breathing 
(2) Visualization 
(3) Intention and Vocalization 
(4) Gratitude and Love.

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 Practising gratitude can help you find your life's purpose. Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group where we share tips on the benefits of gratitude.

Isabella and Linda 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Gratitude Is The Key to Success

I saw a post today on FaceBook that said, "What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?" and it forced me to pause and think. Am I grateful for what I have, or do I tend to look for "greener grass?" That's when I knew I had to write this article. This one attitude impacts every area of our life.

You can change your life with a single thought.

This one thought can:

• Create great wealth
• Restore health and even cure disease
• Unlock your greatest potential
• Forge and fortify deep abiding love
• Inspire great joy to the point of bliss

Scripture tells us: "For as [a man] thinks within himself, so he is." (Proverbs 23:7 NAS95)

Therefore, it is vitally important that we watch what thoughts we allow ourselves to think. You may have heard the expression, "You bring about what you think about." Pretty simple, right? Our lives are a product of our thought process. You will get what you expect in life.

So what are we expecting? Why does one person have a different expectation than another? Our THOUGHTS drive our expectation. Whatever we're thinking about becomes what we expect to happen. This is why the great self-improvement books have focused on the power of thoughts. Of all the thoughts you experience and control, there is one that can profoundly transform your life on a daily basis. What is it? Gratitude.

How does gratitude transform our lives?

Our mind is bombarded with million of bits of information every second, so it filters out everything it is not actively looking for.

As a general rule, our mind looks for what is wrong, lacking or missing in our environment. Its primary job is to avoid danger and ensure our survival with threat-assessment emotions like fear, hesitation and suspicion. However, if we allow ourselves to become preoccupied with these negative thoughts, they begin to dominate our mind and become our expectations. Because we begin to expect negative we begin to create negative in our life. The ultimate result: a lifetime of disappointing and unfulfilling experiences and outcomes.

However, we CAN stop the natural negative tendency of our mind by redirecting it towards abundance and what's positively possible by focusing it on what we're grateful for. Almost instantly your life can change its trajectory.

This simple shift can revolutionize your world and all that you can create in it.

You see and experience what you look for. Sound too easy?

Take this simple test: In the room where you're sitting now, count the number of red items you see. Note as many as you can. How many items did you count? Now without looking again-eyes closed- how many items in the room do you remember were blue? You probably can't recall many at all. When you open your eyes and focus on the blue items, you'll probably see many more than you remembered. Why? Because the first time you weren't looking for them, thus you didn't see them. In your first reality they did really exist at all.

An attitude of gratitude opens your mind up to focus on the positive and ultimately see, discover and create more of the same. As a result, you will experience more abundance, prosperity, well-being, love, joy and happiness.

The Tangible Benefits of Gratitude

Health - Research has proven that practicing gratitude improves our emotional and physical well-being, reduces stress, worry, fear, anxiety and the conditions closely associated with these emotions such as high blood pressure, depression, heart disease, and immune system deficiencies. Maybe you aren't in the greatest physical shape right now, but you have the opportunity and ability to improve that, starting right now. My story is proof of that. Be thankful for that.

Relationships - I loved what Joel Osteen said in Darren Hardy's interview with him. Our partners usually fulfill only about 80% of our needs. Most people, however, focus on the 20% that's missing. Thus, they ultimately become unhappy and unfulfilled. Sadly, many people will leave the relationship to find that 20% in someone else. What they find is that "new" person will also fulfill only about 80% of their needs as well-they're just different needs and expectations from their last partner.

The key is to focus on the 80% of what is right, wonderful and beautiful about your partner and your relationship. Your positive perspective will change how you appreciate, interact and support your partner, thus garnering a much different response and engagement from them.

Wealth- When you see the glass half-full versus half-empty, you will start to see the abundance of water all around you. When you attune your mind to abundance you will start to develop new ideas, and see the opportunity and potential all around you. Your positive outlook will change how you walk, talk and interact in the world. Other influential and resourceful "birds of a feather" will also see the commonality and want to connect with you.

Put on your rose colored glasses.

Gratitude is a choice. It can become a positive habit-but only with discipline. With continued exercise and practice, it will create more abundance, prosperity, well-being, joy and happiness than you ever thought possible.

One of my favorite inspirational speakers and personal growth "guru," Jim Rohn, teaches that greatest gift of all is the gift of personal development-so that is what I want to pass on to you. The one book that has had the most impact on my development over the past year has been Darren Hardy's "The Compound Effect." This book and audio program teaches how success (or failure) in every area of life, including fitness, is based on the small things done repeatedly over time.

In closing, here are some questions for you:

In what ways will you express your gratitude over the next week?

What is your favorite gratitude practice?

Article Source: Deryl W Duer 

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Friday, July 10, 2015

Gratitude Excites Life!

Getting excited about life can sometimes seem elusive when we're dealing with many challenges and the associated stress. We always want to experience the best that life has to offer. At times, this preference may have us trying to avoid the challenges life throws our way. Regardless of my preference though, life seems to proceed and the challenge is survived. Along the way, as multiple challenging life situations are simply allowed to co-exist, I discovered an important quality that sustains and fuels my spirit. Not only does this quality help with the journey through difficulty, it also attracts positive experiences that can act as a counter-balance. This quality is gratitude.

Gratitude is more than just acknowledging thanks. It is more than intellectual exercise. It is much more than an obligation. Gratitude is a state of being that appreciates all that is good and welcomed in our life. Gratitude appreciates from the mind through intentional thought that recognizes the richness of our emotional connections with others, and all good things that bless our lives. Relationships are the most significant source for virtually all experiences of gratitude.

Relationship is at play in every interaction and opportunity with another living being. This is one significant reason why pets have been recognized as having a therapeutic and healing effect on patients. The positive experience and exchange of loving energy is present in that moment creating a brief encounter of gratitude, love, and joy. The worry and fear related to a loss of health is momentarily forgotten allowing the fullness of the positive experience to work its' magic. Taking hold of this perspective, if we acknowledge and allow this focus to become a guiding presence with every connection to another life, I wonder how much more gratitude would be experienced and how much more magic would be enjoyed? I have been enjoying this experience of gratitude and how it positively affects my outlook and each day. With this enjoyment also comes the fuel to go further, not just with gratitude, but also with every other area and dream for my life. A large part of this is the gratitude for the unknown.

The unknown represents the many surprises that show up every day. Too often, we're so busy with our daily agenda that we don't take the time to notice the unexpected and discover what surprise might be available for us in that moment. This is when the unknown can be thought of as the Unknown, the Mystery, the Universe, the Creator, etc. Whatever your belief system, there is an invisible element to the beauty and magic that has created all that we see and experience around us every year. Noticing the surprises that show up each day can enhance the experience of the unknown, strengthening the relationship with the Unknown, and increasing the experience of gratitude. With a focus and attention on gratitude each day, the experience of it in your body, in your being, heightens a sense of energy that could be thought of as aliveness. This energy, also a powerful and positive energy, attracts likeness. This is where it is important to know that gratitude is more than an intellectual exercise.

Experiencing, or feeling the energy of gratitude fully in the body is as important as the mental focus on those things you are grateful for. The mental process assists in the transformation to living a life of gratitude. The bodily experience will arrive with consistent mental focus, capturing the negative thoughts and replacing them with a positive thought, preferably combined within the context of gratitude. Consistent effort equates to practicing until this outlook and way of being becomes a habit - a positive habit that replaces one or many negative habits. As you can see, this is not an exercise of obligatory duty, offering kindness, thanks, etc., out of a sense of responsibility to others. This is an act for your own freedom and well-being.

If we are resentful we cannot experience gratitude. Trying to express gratitude out of duty to another is misplaced and misdirected. Gratitude isn't about what you are giving another. Gratitude is about you - being in gratitude - and what it gives you. This again requires that some attention and focus must be given to the negative thoughts that are preventing the beautiful and powerful experience of gratitude. Inquire within yourself to understand the root that blocks your progress. Acknowledge the weakness once it is identified and invite the weakness to observe while you dance with possibility through exercising gratitude. In time healing and transformation will occur. Be patient with the process and yourself.

Too often we want to see results today, let alone tomorrow. As with the nature of all things, seeds need time to take root and grow. Even here you can experience gratitude, knowing that the Unknown is also acting invisibly upon each seed that you plant. The best aspect of this possible reality is that it relinquishes your need to fret and worry about the results. This permits other qualities to arise within your being that also contributes to the fullest experience of gratitude: Faith and trust. Continue with the journey of gratitude and transformation knowing that you are going to see results without worrying what those results should look like. Don't look at where you're not, look at where you are and be joyous!

Gratitude Goes To Another Level

Frequently an article will be written when further insight and inspiration will visit with more detail, additional clarity, or distinctions that require our attention. This was one of those times.

Gratitude is something that can seem fickle to some as they try to find something to be grateful for in their lives. While writing about gratitude, I offered a variety of perspectives that fuel the need for gratitude and the benefits of gratitude. I spoke of appreciating and being thankful or grateful for the good things in your life. Today, while reflecting once again on gratitude, gratitude decided to take it to another level.

While it makes sense for us to experience gratitude for the things we have -- appreciating the people and many things that have blessed our lives -- I was struck by a stark truth that I actually have nothing. All these people and things simply exist, I cannot truly possess any of them. Therefore it is more relevant, powerful, potent, and important to express gratitude simply for what IS rather than what I have. It is this expression that expands the conscious connection and gratitude to the Source of All Creation that many refer to as the one true God.

You came into this world with nothing and you'll leave this world with nothing; at least not in the physical and tangible way. You will leave with your experiences, memories, and richness felt through life. Expressing gratitude acknowledges this journey, all the flavors and tastes along the way, the what is in every moment, and in each and every acknowledgement also comes the acknowledgement of God's presence at play. Again, I invite you to explore gratitude.

Article Source: Lee Down

Share what you are grateful for today.

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Friday, July 3, 2015

Today I am grateful for the home assistance I received.

Today I am grateful for the wonderful man who came to our unit to register us on a program called "Home Assist". 

This is a service for Queenslanders aged 60 years and over, or people of any age with a disability where they provides subsidised assistance to eligible clients unable to undertake or pay for critical maintenance services without assistance.

I am a caregiver for my 80 year old mother who suffered a massive stroke a year ago.  We moved into a new unit 4 weeks ago into a retirement village.  So this service has helped us financially to have the modifications we need in order to help mum make the new environment safe and secure for her.

There were a few odd jobs that needed done which we did himself there an then.  The rest he has organised for plumbers, electricians and handyman to come over and fix the bigger tasks.

We are indeed blessed.

Share what you are grateful for today.


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 Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group of friends and gain in the benefits of writing your daily gratitude to help transform your life. 

Rejuvenate Your Relationship Through The Power Of Gratitude

You have the power to change your mood at this very moment--to increase your optimism, elevate your energy and enthusiasm, and increase your motivation toward reaching your personal goals. How is this possible?

"By sowing the seeds of gratitude".

Research shows that when you increase feelings of gratitude, a domino effect occurs and you begin to experience other positive changes as well, such as increased overall happiness. If you've ever been told to "count your blessings," you should have listened.

What is gratitude and why is it important to your relationship?

At some point in your relationship you will take your partner for granted. There's really no way around this. Don't panic--this doesn't mean you love your partner any less or that your relationship is troubled. (After all, most of us take life for granted at one time or another, but that doesn't mean we don't love being alive!) Patterns develop in relationships that lead us to expect certain things from our partners. The joy and tenderness that was once stirred by a morning hug or warm greeting can get lost because of sheer repetition or busy lives that compete for attention.

Gratitude is the antidote to taking your partner for granted.

First and foremost, gratitude is a mindset.

Gratitude is not a one-time event but rather a mindset that requires cultivation. A gratitude mindset can refocus your attention, pointing out all the small, easily over-looked things your partner does. It reminds you that your wife didn't have to phone "just to say hello" or that your husband didn't have to cook dinner after a long, exhausting day. The gratitude mindset silences anti-appreciative thoughts like, "She's supposed to do that..." or "He's just doing what any father should do..." When you embrace gratitude and make it part of your inner dialogue, you'll hear yourself saying, "She's such a thoughtful person" or "Our children are lucky to have him as a father."

Adopting the mindset of gratitude takes commitment. But, if you decide to become more consistently grateful for your partner or spouse, look what you'll get in return: you'll feel better about yourself and your relationship; you'll feel more positive and optimistic about the future of your relationship or marriage; your partner will sense this optimism and positive outlook and therefore will feel appreciated, and will become infected by the spread of gratitude.

How to begin:

~ Begin to notice all the small things your partner does, especially all the things you typically expect him/her to do. The next time your partner gets the children fed and off to school before heading to work, notice the love, dedication and multi-tasking skills involved in this activity.

~ Be open to your partner's uniqueness. Remind yourself of all the reasons you are drawn to your partner. What is it about this person that made you want to spend the rest of your life with him/her?

~ See things from a fresh perspective. He's made you coffee every morning for the last three years; She's stopped to pick up takeout each Friday after work for the last year; Rather than going the typical route of a bakery, he bakes your birthday cake each year (forget, for a moment, the fact that it tasted like soot)... It's easy to get used to these repetitive, kind gestures and it's even easier to rationalize them as something most people would do--take my word for it, not everyone would do all the special things your partner does.

~ Each evening, mentally revisit the time you spent with your partner that day. Notice the conversations you had, the things s/he did. Think of which unique traits that your partner possesses were on display that day (e.g., her sense of humor, the way she smiles, his tenderness).

~ Stop and smell the coffee (that perhaps your partner brewed). Allow yourself the time to feel grateful for what you're noticing. Become absorbed in your appreciation and savor the experience. Since capturing things on paper can help you slow down and mindfully focus on things you're grateful for, write down what you're noticing and appreciating in your partner. The few minutes this will take is well worth the effort.

~ Communicate your gratitude to your partner in a way that feels meaningful to you. This can be direct (telling your partner how you feel) or indirect (doing something thoughtful for your partner).

Remember: although it might feel like human nature to focus on what isn't working, it's most gratifying and rewarding to begin with an awareness and appreciation of the strengths that you and your partner already bring to the relationship.

Adopting a gratitude mindset is one way to help you begin transforming your relationship.

Article Source:  

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 Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group of friends and gain in the benefits of writing your daily gratitude to help transform your life.