Sunday, March 1, 2015

How Gratitude Is Changing My Life From Despair to Happiness Part 1

I read an article recently called "Gratitude - A Cure For Depression?"   I was going through despair and hopelessness.

Anti-depressants holds no allure for me as I know that they wouldn't provide a cure, only a cover up, and horrible side effects eg. numbed emotions, suicide, depression, anxiety to name a few - not good nor the answer.

I read the article and realised that my brain was going around and around carrying a relentless pattern of sadness, despair and feelings of hopelessness in my thoughts.  I just couldn't turn off these feelings and thoughts.  My train was full of pain and every time it went around I felt despair.

In this article the author recommended to start a daily gratitude journal. She also said that once she began to deliberately think grateful and thankful good thoughts her brain started to begin to think positively and in time she found it more natural to default to a positive take on things that happened in her life.

After I read the whole article I sat there and thought about what I read.  Then an idea hit me.  Start a blog and a Facebook Group to help me to commit to daily writing what I am grateful for and to reach out to others who need help like I do.  This then would mean I would spend less time wallowing and in time reduce my feelings and thoughts of despair and start feeling happy.

Apparently research has proven that regular gratitude practice reduces the stress hormone cortisol and dramatically increases the feel-good hormone DHEA.

I liked the idea of having an all-natural "happy chemical" cocktail to make me feel better.

I hope this blog will also bring to you an all-natural "happy chemical" cocktail to make you feel better.

Please feel free to comment and add your daily gratitude for the day.

"I am grateful for this blog which I know will bring to me a balanced state of mind,  relieving from the emotional turmoil that I lived with for too many years."


 Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group of friends and gain in the benefits of writing your daily gratitude to help transform your life. 

 Subscribe to our BellaVita4Life Free Online Magazine App to help you achieve a healthy and meaningful life which is essential to balance your body, mind and soul.

 Come and join us in our BellaVita4Life-MagazineFacebook Page. We provide information to help you to reach your full potential and strive towards emotional, spiritual, social, financial and physical success and to improve your overall wellbeing.

Isabella ❤

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