Monday, February 29, 2016

Gratitude - The Key to Healing

Walking in gratitude is not a hard thing to do yet it is the basis of a happy life and your own personal power. Native Americans give thanks to Mother Earth for everything they have. Christians give thanks before they eat. Shamans give thanks to the universe for all that they are.

When we walk in gratitude we find again that sense of wonder in everything around us. We realize the bounty that we have in life. We appreciate the beauty we see. We hear the beautiful winds in the trees. We smell the flowers. We know how much is given to us that we didn't even have to work for. We walk with a sense of smallness against this gift, this experience of life.

Being grateful is as much a part of being mature as having wisdom or discernment. Gratitude teaches us to admire those around us, to lend a helping hand to those who need one. And who are we not to be grateful? Do we not see the blessings of the air we breathe? Do we not realize how fortunate we are to be walking this land? Just look around at all the places you could be.

Did you have a good idea today? Be grateful for that! Did you eat today? Be grateful! Is there a dollar in your wallet? Can you be grateful for that? When was the last time you looked into the heavens and said "Thank you!"

Albert Einstein was one of the greatest thinkers in history. He was always aware of what could have been and expressed his thanks each day. Gandhi had nothing and yet was one of the most grateful men who ever lived. It isn't about who you are or what you have, what station in life you have been blessed with. It is simply to be. To be is worthy of thanks.

Some people feel they have nothing to be thankful for. But did they have air to breathe? Did they get up this morning and find the sun shining? Did they find another human being to talk to? Companionship, caring, compassion, beauty, life, seasons, the earth, these are all worthy of our thanks.

The Shaman cannot heal without gratitude. It is not the Shaman who creates any healing, who finds the lost souls, who comforts the dying with hope in new life. These things are greater than any man, Priest or Shaman. It is our interconnectedness with each other through the Creator that gives us what we need, what we want and even more than we imagine.

Start each day with a prayer of thanksgiving. Tell the universe how happy you are to find the sun shining in your window, to hear the birds singing and see the green grass glowing with dew. Thank your Creator for the gifts you will receive this day. Humble yourself at the magnificent creation of life and give gratitude for being an observer of this most holy miracle today.

By giving thanks you are opening yourself to all the possibilities of goodness. You are joining into the universal awareness as a participant in life. You are forming a council and taking your seat in the creation of the day. You come with open hands to receive and ready to give your blessings to those around you. You realize your fortune and you wish that same fortune for all.

Being grateful sets the place for goodness and open communication with teachers and guides. It shows your willingness to learn and your respect for what is. Gratitude manifests more things to be grateful for. If you make a list each day of those things you feel grateful for you will find that your list will grow over time. It will change from things seen to those things that are unseen and far more important than material possessions or fame. You will touch the very fabric of your soul and feel the blessings you have that are so worthy of your gratitude. In humbleness you will receive more than you could ever receive with pride. Gratitude begets humility in this awesome life experience.

A Shaman knows this humility and often falls to his knees to return the heartfelt love that he recognizes and honors. The power of the Shaman comes not from within but from without because a man standing on his own is just a man but a man standing on the grace of gratitude walks with Spirit and is given everything - even the ability to heal. Approach each day, each hour, each minute with gratitude in your heart and find love filling your spirit with its own power and truth.

Article Source: 

 Subscribe to my Free App Magazine BellaVita4Life  on iTunes to learn the secrets to success.  

 Practicing gratitude can help you find your life's purpose. Come and join me in my DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group.  The one thing you could do to improve everything about your life - your emotional health, your physical well being and your lifespan - would be to move into a daily practice of gratitude.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Today's Gratitude 28 February 2016 - My Giant Sunflower

I am so grateful for my giant sunflower I grew in the backyard.  My pride and joy.  She is the biggest sunflower to date.

 Subscribe to my Free App Magazine BellaVita4Life  on iTunes to learn the secrets to success.  

 Practicing gratitude can help you find your life's purpose. Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group.  The one thing you could do to improve everything about your life - your emotional health, your physical well being and your lifespan - would be to move into a daily practice of gratitude.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Today's Gratitude 27 February 2016 - Bus Trip in Italy

I am so grateful that I thoroughly enjoyed my 5 Day Tour bus trip to Florence, Sienna, Venice, Bologna, Pisa, Padau, Montepulciano back in 2012.

I'm really enjoying my time going through "memory lane".

 Subscribe to my Free App Magazine BellaVita4Life  on iTunes to learn the secrets to success.  

 Practicing gratitude can help you find your life's purpose. Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group.  The one thing you could do to improve everything about your life - your emotional health, your physical well being and your lifespan - would be to move into a daily practice of gratitude.

Law of Attraction Gratitude Secrets

Gratitude is a popular Law of Attraction buzz word these days.Perhaps you've even started a Gratitude Journal or go to bed saying what you are grateful for. But, do you know the reason behind being grateful? Below I have listed three reasons why the law of attraction is so responsive to your gratitude and how that supercharges your manifestations.

The Tradition of Thank You Notes

Reason #3- When I was a girl, my parents insisted I write thank-you notes when I received gifts from my elderly relatives. I was told that, if I didn't thank them, they would stop sending me gifts. As a child I learned that my thank you note ensured that my relative knew how much I enjoyed the gift and made it more likely that I would be gifted again! Now that I am an adult, I give thanks to the Universe for all of the gifts that I am given. This is a way of saying "Yes! I like this and will be happy to have more gifts of this type. Thanks for noticing what I enjoy." When it comes to expressing gratitude, whether to a friend, an auntie or the Universe, it is important to let the giver know that you appreciated the gift.

Being a Good Steward of What You Have

Reason #2- Appreciation of anything is a good indicator that you will take appropriate care of it. Several abundance coaches have taught that even a penny, found on the ground, is cause for gratitude and celebration. Wealth coach, Sandy Forrester, tells that when she finds a coin on the ground, she picks it up and squeals a loud and joyful "thank you!" to the Universe. In this way, she sends the message that she is ready and able to take good care of the small things she receives. Would you entrust a million dollars to someone who squandered the money that they did have? The expression of gratitude is also like a promise: "I will take responsibility for this gift and demonstrate that I am ready for more."

Feeling Good Creates More Good

Reason #1-Gratitude makes you feel good. This is probably the most powerful reason for being grateful. Focusing on what you appreciate in your life raises your joy vibration which attracts more joy and more of that good feeling. Gratitude and appreciation are very powerful vibrational attitudes. When you are in the gratitude mode, you can't help but feel good. You also can't focus on what you don't want while you are focusing on what you love.

So, next time you remind yourself "I should write in my gratitude journal", put some intention behind it. My intention sounds something like this. "I have so much good in my life. I want the Universe to know how much I appreciate what I have. I feel grateful for the opportunity to tend to the gifts in my life and I am ready to accept even more good into my life. It feels so good to acknowledge all of my good. My life is full of abundant blessings and I love basking in the feeling of knowing that."

Before bed, my husband and I tell each other aloud- what we are grateful for. This is a lovely way to set ourselves up for a delicious sleep and positive dreams.

What are you grateful for? Gratitude is a powerful way to immerse yourself in the goodness of what IS and what IS COMING.

Article SourceLaurie Stolmaker

Friday, February 26, 2016

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Today's Gratitude 25 February 2016 - Fragrant Roses

Today I am grateful for the beauty and fragance of Roses.  This rose is from my mother's garden.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Today's Gratitude 24 February 2016 - My New Hairstyle

I am so grateful that I finally found the perfect hairdresser who cuts and styles my hair that suits me and that I feel comfortable with.  She also uses natural colouring - no chemicals.

 Subscribe to our Free App Magazine BellaVita4Life  on iTunes to learn the secrets to success.

 Practicing gratitude can help you find your life's purpose. Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group The one thing you could do to improve everything about your life - your emotional health, your physical well being and your lifespan - would be to move into a daily practice of gratitude.

The Importance of Expressing Our Gratitude

Are you living by your words in gratitude?

Love and light

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How Choices In Your Life is Important.

I agree with this statement.  Do you?

Would love to know your views.

Isabella :)

Monday, February 22, 2016

Today's Gratitude 22 February 2016 - Dining Out

Today I am grateful for the scrumptious lunch I had.  I love dining at Toscani's.

Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief: Guided Practices for Reclaiming Your Body and Your Life

If you're reading this, chances are that your life, or the life of someone you know, is shaped by pain—and by the physical and emotional suffering that usually accompany it.

Mindfulness of breathing—how to “put out the welcome mat” for whatever arises in one's experience
  • What to do about pain—how to work with intense and unwanted sensations
  • Working with thoughts and emotions—how to avoid identifying with your experience of pain and instead see sensations and thoughts as sensations and thoughts
  • Resting in awareness—a three-minute mindful pause to restore balance, resilience, and self-compassion

Mindfulness in everyday life—allowing the nitty-gritty of one's daily life to be both the ultimate meditation teacher and the real meditation practice.

The good news: Jon Kabat-Zinn and his colleagues have helped thousands of people learn to use the power of mindfulness to transform their relationship to pain and suffering, and to discover new degrees of freedom for living with greater ease and quality of life. Now, with Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief, the man who brought mindfulness into mainstream medicine presents these approaches for working gently and effectively with even the most trying of circumstances.

Session one gives us an overview of seven fundamental attitudes we can develop and deploy to cultivate mindfulness in relationship to chronic pain and its incessant challenges. On session two, Jon Kabat-Zinn leads us in guided meditations drawn from his pioneering Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) methodology:

“Through the systematic cultivation of mindfulness, we can reclaim the entire spectrum of our experience and the joys inherent in living,” explains Jon Kabat-Zinn. Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief offers us a precious and tested vehicle for embracing the “full catastrophe” of the human condition and thriving in the face of it.

 Practicing gratitude can help you find your life's purpose. Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group The one thing you could do to improve everything about your life - your emotional health, your physical well being and your lifespan - would be to move into a daily practice of gratitude.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

How to go to sleep with happy thoughts

By scanning your brain through the day’s memories for something happy or fun or moving or exciting or just something plain positive will assuredly allow you to sleep more soundly.

So what it stops you from doing is lying awake worrying about you day’s actions, the past or the future. You will go to sleep easier and feel better in the morning.

Today's Gratitude 21 February 2016 - Cooking Classes - Paella

Today I am grateful for the Paella I learnt to cook at a Spanish Cooking class.  I had so much fun.  This Paella was absolutely delicious.  I am very proud of myself. :)

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Today's Gratitude 20 February 2016

Today I am grateful that when I wake up and look out of my bedroom window this is what greets me.  I love my sunflowers and lavender plants.

Gratitude - The Ultimate Choice

Have you ever known someone who seems to be able to be positive and keep a good attitude despite the chaos all around them? You know, the person who is always appreciative of the good times, but also seems to be able to focus on the positive in the face of adversity? They seem to find the good in the people that drive you crazy, and the opportunity in challenging situations.

I remember hearing many years ago about the story of Roger Bannister, the first man to run the 4-minute mile and break not only a record, but also the limiting beliefs about what was possible. I look to this story for hope about the plight of mankind on lots of different issues. It points to the fact that if one man can do it; anyone can-even when it comes to being more grateful!

One of the unique features of being human is our ability to literally "change our minds" and choose our thoughts. In the case for gratitude it is something that I am extremely grateful for!

If we so choose, gratitude is something that we could actually extend throughout the entire year. As it turns out, the choice to do so could be the path to better health and more importantly, a lower stress level!

The Many Benefits of Gratitude

As it turns out, grateful people--who are defined by those who consider gratitude a mode rather than a mood-- have an edge when it comes to health. The research of Robert Emmons PhD of the University of California suggests that grateful people take better care of themselves, have healthier diets, exercise more and get regular physical examinations. It would appear that that regular feeling of thankfulness also helps people cope with daily stress and problems.

Immune Boost

Lisa Aspinall, PhD, a psychology professor at the University of Utah has also found links to optimism and better immune function. This effect also had an impact on people with
health issues, like AIDS as well as surgical patients. They all had better outcomes when they maintained attitudes of optimism.

Adversity and loss decreases with gratitude

It has been found that when someone experiences great loss or tragedy, that it is still possible to experience gratitude. In a web-based survey taken after 9/11, it was interesting to note an increased level in gratitude after this most tragic day! This has been attributed to an increased sense of belonging after the horrific event.

Christopher Peterson, PhD who did the study noted that gratitude in the aftermath of 9/11 seemed to create a buffer to even the most negative effects of stress, including post-traumatic stress disorder!

In other studies by Aspinall, facing losses early in life can experience great personal growth overtime.

Greater Well Being and Relationships

In fact, cultivating gratitude appears to contribute to a sense of greater well-being, and can even strengthen your relationships. When we find things to appreciate about others, the ones who are appreciated usually reciprocate with more kindness as well, and also do more to earn the appreciation!

Can I really make Gratitude my new Mode?

Gratitude can be cultivated by just about anyone. The brain is just like any other muscle in the body and learning to be more optimistic is just like any other skill- it is learned by practice. Try incorporating some of the following into your life, and notice if there is a significant increase in your feelings of gratitude.

Cut Out Comparisons
One of the biggest contributors to feelings of inferiority and stress is the simple act of comparing yourself to others. This is usually because we make the wrong comparisons.

We look at things through the mirrors of LACK or ABUNDANCE. Focusing on what you don't have compared to another can cause stress. Focusing on how lucky you are to have someone around you who is such an inspiration is a way to incorporate an attitude of abundance. It is simple shift- and it is the difference between having stress, and cultivating gratitude and optimism.

Keep A Gratitude Journal
This is probably the number one suggestion by most mental health advisors and life coaches. Not only will this help you cultivate a more positive attitude, but it will also be a great catalog of sorts to read during times when it might be a little more difficult to be grateful. People who journal on a regular basis even exercise more, have fewer physical symptoms and feel better about their lives as a whole.

Watch your Language
Carefully monitor the way you talk to yourself throughout the day. Instead of focusing on problems you are faced with reframe it and choose language that promotes the benefits of a particular situation instead. This can help when you have to cope with a difficult person in your life and help you develop more patience and understanding.

Write Thank You Notes
Make it a goal to write at least one thank you note a week. Buy some special decorative or monogrammed stationery and make it stationery and a pen you love to write with and make it a beautiful ritual.

Article Source: 

 Practicing gratitude can help you find your life's purpose. Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group The one thing you could do to improve everything about your life - your emotional health, your physical well being and your lifespan - would be to move into a daily practice of gratitude.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Today's Gratitude 19 February 2016 - Peace Tree 2011 Sauvignon Blanc Semillon

I just had to buy this bottle of white wine.  I love the Tree of Life.  I wear one as a necklace.

I am also happy to report that this wine was delicious.

 Practicing gratitude can help you find your life's purpose. Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group The one thing you could do to improve everything about your life - your emotional health, your physical well being and your lifespan - would be to move into a daily practice of gratitude.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Today's Gratitude 18 February 2016 - Birthday Lunch and Dinner with my Mother

It was my mother's birthday on 7 February so I booked a apartment right by the beach.  We enjoyed a delicious breakfast and dinner.

My mother is a stroke survivor and I am her caregiver.  Every day she improves.  YAY!
 Practicing gratitude can help you find your life's purpose. Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group The one thing you could do to improve everything about your life - your emotional health, your physical well being and your lifespan - would be to move into a daily practice of gratitude.

The Key to a Successful Life is Easier and Closer Than You Think

It seems everybody wants to know the answer to this question and strangely it's very simple. It can be summed up in one word.. GRATITUDE!

In my mind this quote says it all. If you want to be happy and successful start right where you stand, here and now. Look around you and see what you have to be grateful for right in this present moment. Is it your kids? Is it that you have a bed to sleep in at night? Is it that you have a job or is it that you are alive and can take this moment to be grateful that the earth is spinning on it's axis and the sun has come up to give you a new day to try a different approach to life?

Whoever you are and wherever you are, you can find something in your life to be grateful for and it is my guess that once you see one thing to be grateful for you will find another and another and another. That's how is works for me and I am certainly not that different from you. I remember a time when I was incredibly sick and the doctors didn't know what was wrong with me. I could hardly breath, so it was very hard to talk. It took so much of the little energy I had just to walk 15 steps to the bathroom. I laid in my bed looking out the window and was so grateful to be able to see outside. I watched the birds singing on the bare branches of the trees and longed for the new leaves of spring to emerge, as that would be my indicator that I was on my way to wellness. The leaves did come and I did get better. It took me about 18 months to fully recover from that illness and today when I remember those trees I am overcome with emotion. I cannot find enough words to express the gratitude I have for my body's ability to heal itself. I knew it was up to me to create my own health and I trusted in my connection to spirit that I would become well. As I spent days pretty much immobilised with what felt like only my mind working, I focused on being healthy, seeing myself well and knowing it would happen.

At the same time I acknowledged that if it was my time to go I was eternally grateful for my life and I played happy memories over and over in my head. Gratitude keeps your mind from wandering into negative thought patterns and keeps you open to the great wonders of life. If you are open and in a receiving mode there is nothing that The Universe cannot bring to you. It is only your belief in barriers that makes them real.

Gratitude in the moment brings a smile to your face, your body and mind start working in the perfect harmony, clarity eventually emerges and all becomes right with the world again. If you truly feel there is nothing in your present to be grateful about, look to the past, you are sure to find at least one thing to be grateful for. The mere fact that you are reading this and have a chance to change your circumstances is a great place to start. All beings want to be happy and gratitude will take you to happiness in a heartbeat. Start with a small smile and I bet you will end up with a big grin. A smile is priceless, it can't be bought and it is the best gift to give anyone. Relieve your frustration, anger, blame, hurt, worry and all those negative feelings that have been holding you back from your happiness with a few grateful thoughts and see your world change to reflect your new vantage point.

The best advice I believe I give my clients is to start a Gratitude diary. Write something in it everyday and see how your world blossoms.

I agree with Buddha when he said, "We are what we think"

Have fun, be grateful and be happy, then success can't help but find you.

Gaynor is passionate about helping people achieve their passions. With over 25 years of Personal Development study and vast business knowledge Gaynor is well equipped to assist business owners, executives and employees alike.

Businesses can achieve greater profitability, increase productivity, reduce absenteeism, build stronger and more enthusiastic teams, retain skilled staff, attract highly sort after staff and more, when they introduce the techniques Gaynor offers.

Individuals can achieve increased confidence, increased relationship and communication skills, reduced stress, greater clarity when faced with life's challenges, a sense of direction and purpose, more vitality and zest for life plus a sense of peace and contentment.

Article Source: 

 Practicing gratitude can help you find your life's purpose. Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group The one thing you could do to improve everything about your life - your emotional health, your physical well being and your lifespan - would be to move into a daily practice of gratitude.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Today's Gratitude 17 February 2016 - Enjoying Coffee at Marina Mirage

Today I am grateful for the delicious coffee and breakfast I enjoyed at Marina Mirage, Gold Coast, Australia. That's what I call living!

 Practicing gratitude can help you find your life's purpose. Come and join us in our DailyGratitude4Life Facebook Group The one thing you could do to improve everything about your life - your emotional health, your physical well being and your lifespan - would be to move into a daily practice of gratitude.