Monday, April 27, 2015

How Can the Art of Appreciation Transform Your Life and Your Business?

We all know that it feels good to be appreciated, but we may not know all of the benefits of appreciation. 

Below is an article I found that will outline to you some great benefits of how appreciation will transform your life in so many ways.

Article Source: Amanda Emily

Are you feeling a little flat at the moment? Not manifesting your desires the way you had hoped? It could be that things in your personal life are going great, but not so well business wise? Maybe you are entering your work space each morning with dread, or overwhelmened? Or it could be completely visa versa for you and your work or business is moving perfectly, but your personal life is pretty ordinary?

One thing for sure is that the 'art of appreciation' really can transform your life in so many ways. Why? Because when you appreciate, you vibrate at a level similar to love, joy and happiness... The more you appreciate - the more you receive to appreciate.

So where can appreciating really have an impact on your life?

Appreciation and raising your vibration will support you in improving so many areas of your life. It can help you transform a good mood into an even better one. You can enhance your relationship with your loved ones, by remembering and appreciating their good points (rather than all the things that annoy you) and the reasons why you love them in the first place. You might find yourself in a negative situation that feels uncomfortable and threatening to you, and therefore, you want to take control of your own vibration. Or you might generally be feeling low and down and you want to change the way you are feeling, even slightly, so that you can improve your present situation.

It really is simply about directing pleasant thoughts in your mind to objects you wish to appreciate and then maintaining those feelings.

So let's take a closer look at the art of appreciation...

How do we appreciate, especially if we are in a situation which might feel pretty hopeless?

Firstly, take a look around you and find something that pleases you. This can be anything you wish - it does not need to be anything major. It may be your pet, a cup of coffee. If you are driving - it may be a beautiful piece of countryside, or a gorgeous village you are driving through. If in a shopping market, it may be your favourite chocolate bar, or a cute baby in front of you... Whatever pleases you. The longer you focus - the more your positive feeling will increase and the higher your vibration will be.

Secondly, once you notice your improved feeling - begin to appreciate even more around you to improve your circumstance even further. Once your good feeling is noticeably stronger than when you began, look around and choose another pleasing object that you can appreciate and place your positive attention on it. The more objects you can appreciate, the higher you vibrate. The longer you focus upon things that feel good to you, the easier it is for you to maintain those vibrational frequencies that feel good.
So - for example - say you are driving throughout the countryside... You begin to appreciate the dramatic colours of green and the rolling hills; probably hills that in the past you have taken for granted. You then appreciate the trees and buds that have begun to bloom, the gorgeous wildlife and an old building that you hadn't really noticed before. You then begin to appreciate your car, because it is raining outside and you are pleased that you are able to enjoy such beautiful scenery, whilst remaining dry. And before you know it - you feel fantastic and you remember how much there really is to appreciate in the world. You are truly living in your wonderful now!

What about appreciating in business?

You are feeling frustrated that you are not generating the income you desire, or attracting the clients you wish. You long for more income so that you can invest in the business and start attracting the clients you wish. Everyday you get more and more frustrated as things just do not seem to be manifesting for you.

But - are you really using all the tools and resources that you already have. Are you appreciating your present situation?

For example, how about the computer you are using? The internet that allows you to connect with anyone in the world? The incredible social media that is now open to us so we can create relationships with anyone we desire? How about the support network you have of like minded people? What about the pen you have to write with and the books you have to read? The list goes on and on - and you can see that, as you really begin to focus on all that is around you, how much there truly is to appreciate and how you can make this work to your advantage in raising your vibration to a high level.

So - how do you go about practising the art of appreciation long term?

Initially, it would be ideal to set aside 10/15 mins each day to practice this process (not long considering it will dramatically change your present circumstances). After a few days, you can increase the amount of time you do this exercise, although you will naturally begin to do so anyway. You will begin to find more and more things to appreciate and it will begin to be a genuine feeling that will regularly leave you with goose bumps. These feelings confirm that you are in alignment with 'who you are' and where you are intending to go and what you are manifesting.

"The more you find something to appreciate, the better it feels, the better it feels, the more you want to do it; the more you do it; the better it feels the better it feels... the more you want to do it" (Abraham-Hicks)

Now the point here is that the more you maintain these good feelings and the more you keep your vibration high - the more the law of attraction will deliver to you other thoughts, experiences, people and circumstances that will please you. This is a critical part that people leave out when trying to use the law of attraction... The feeling fantastic in your 'now' part.

How can we ever expect to attract exciting, amazing, happy, joyful and prosperous experiences, if we do not feel this way already and are not appreciating what we already have?

It's important to remember that the more you practice the art of appreciation, the less resistance you will have in your own vibrational frequencies... And the less resistance you have, the better your life will be.

Once you get into the flow of appreciating, day after day, week after week - no resistant will exist and you will be in an exaggerated state of allowing. Your vibration will be in a position where all the things and circumstances you have desired for so long will begin to flow to you like a flower effortlessly blooms. The problems we tend to experience when manifesting our ideal circumstance is that we just try far too hard: we try far too hard to control the situation, rather than merely working on our feelings and our vibration.

The only thing that will ever hold you back in attracting what you desire is your own achievement of resistance. The art of appreciation will support you in aligning vibrationally to those objects that you desire and you will begin to practice the art of receiving.

"Once you have made a decision that nothing is more important than that you feel good and you have decided that you are going to consciously look for some things to appreciate today, the object your attention has now become the feeling of appreciation. You have now established a circuit between you and that object of appreciation that the law of attraction will begin working on immediately, so you will start seeing more things to appreciate right away" (Abraham-Hicks)

What steps are you going to take to feel good today and start appreciating your now? How are you going to work on raising your vibration? Are you going to make the decision to let things go, appreciate your now and go with the flow?

I would love to hear your comments on how this is working/not working for you?

Thanks so much for spending time with me here today - I really appreciate you!

Make it a transformational day!


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Isabella ❤ 

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